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Become a volunteer

Join our team of caring, friendly, awesome people

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What do we do?

Get Some Space volunteers listen to people and do their best to make them happier. Simply put, that's the job.

Is it a lot more than that?  Yes.

When you click on the "Chat to a Volunteer" page and send a message, you're sending a message to us. Whoever accepts the message first gets the chat. Most of the time, though, it isn't about who gets the chat first - it's about who can get the chat. By that I mean chat requests can come in at any time and it's our job to answer them and do our best to help. Maybe we were trying to relax or sleep. We might have work that needs doing. It doesn't matter - that person needs us, and therefore we do our best to be there. Our own priorities sometimes have to take a seat for a little bit - that's how much we value the people who send us messages.


So, when you sign up to be a volunteer, you're sining up to put someone ahead of yourself. You're signing up to do your best to be there for that person, regardless of how relaxed you were.

You're signing up to help.


If you think you can do that, please apply. We'd love to have you on board!

The button will take you to an online application form. The link will open in a new tab.

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